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Introduction to Macroeconomics

Course Outline:

Week 1-2: Introduction to Macroeconomics

Definition and scope of macroeconomics

Basic economic concepts: scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand

Economic systems and the role of government

Week 3-4: Measuring Economic Activity

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and national income accounting

Real vs. nominal GDP

Components of GDP: consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports

Week 5-6: Economic Growth

Long-term economic growth and productivity

Theories of economic growth

Growth policies and implications

Week 7-8: Unemployment and Inflation

Measuring unemployment

Types and causes of unemployment

Inflation: measurement and types

Causes and consequences of inflation

Week 9-10: Fiscal Policy

Government budgets and deficits

Fiscal policy tools: taxes and government spending

Effects of fiscal policy on the economy

Public debt and its implications

Week 11-12: Monetary Policy

Money and banking

The role of central banks

Tools of monetary policy

Monetary policy, interest rates, and the economy

Week 13-14: International Economics and Trade

Balance of payments

Exchange rates and their determination

Effects of trade policies

Global economic challenges

Week 15: Course Review and Final Examination

Assessment Methods:

Midterm Exam: 30%

Final Exam: 40%

Assignments and Quizzes: 20%

Participation and Attendance: 10%

Additional Resources:

Supplementary readings will be provided for each topic.

Online resources and economic data sources.


• Principles of Economics

• Basic Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

• Introductory Statistics

Course Objectives

• To understand the economic theories related to labor markets and human resource management.

• To analyze the factors influencing labor supply and demand.

• To explore wage determination and employment policies.

• To evaluate the impact of government policies on labor markets and human resource practices.


"Human Resource Economics and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Vernon M. Briggs Jr." by Charles J. Whalen (or an equivalent textbook)

Course Outline

Week 1-2: Introduction to Human Resource Economics

• Overview of human resource economics

• The role of human resources in economic development

• Basic concepts: Labor supply, labor demand, and labor market equilibrium

Week 3-4: Labor Supply and Demographics

• Individual labor supply decisions

• Household labor supply

• Demographic trends and labor force participation

Week 5-6: Human Capital Theory

• Education and training as investment in human capital

• The economics of skills development and knowledge acquisition

• Returns to education and skill formation

Week 7-8: Wage Determination and Labor Market Policies

• Wage theories: Marginal productivity, bargaining, and efficiency wages

• Minimum wage policies and their impact

• Income inequality and wage differentials

Week 9-10: Unemployment and Labor Market Dynamics

• Types of unemployment: Frictional, structural, cyclical

• Job search theory and matching in labor markets

• Impact of automation and globalization on employment

Week 11-12: Government Policies and Labor Markets

• Labor market regulations: Labor laws and protections

• Social insurance programs: Unemployment insurance, health insurance, and pensions

• The role of unions and collective bargaining

Week 13-14: Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Economics

• Gender, race, and diversity in the workplace

• The gig economy and non-traditional work arrangements

• International labor migration

Week 15: Course Review and Final Examination


• Midterm Exam: 25%

• Final Exam: 35%

• Research Paper/Project: 25%

• Class Participation and Assignments: 15%

Additional Resources

• Journal articles and case studies

• Reports from governmental and international organizations

• Guest lectures from industry experts

Human Resource Economics

Natural Resources and Environmental Economics


Definition of Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

Importance of studying Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

Brief overview of global environmental challenges

Section 1: Fundamental Concepts

Definition of Key Terms

Natural resources

Environmental Economics


Principles of Environmental Economics

Market failure


Public goods

Property rights

Types of Natural Resources

Renewable vs Non-renewable resources

Ecological significance

Economic Valuation of Natural Resources

Methods of valuation (cost-benefit analysis, contingent valuation, etc.)

Challenges in valuation

Section 2: Resource Management and Sustainability

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Strategies for sustainable forestry, fisheries, and water use

The role of technology and innovation

Economic Policies for Sustainability

Environmental regulations

Taxes and subsidies

Tradable permits for pollution

The role of international agreements and cooperation

Section 3: Economic Analysis of Environmental Issues

Climate Change Economics

Economic impacts of climate change

Cost of mitigation vs. adaptation

Economic models of climate change (e.g., Integrated Assessment Models)

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Economic value of biodiversity

Market and non-market valuation techniques

Conservation strategies and their economic implications

Section 4: Case Studies and Applications

Case Study 1: Water Resource Management

Challenges and economic solutions

Success stories and lessons learned

Case Study 2: Deforestation and Reforestation Efforts

Economic drivers of deforestation

Reforestation and its economic benefits

Policy measures and their effectiveness

Industrial Economics I

This course offers an in-depth analysis of the industrial sector of the economy, focusing on market structures, firm behaviour, and the impact of government policies. It integrates theoretical models with real-world examples to understand how industries operate and compete.


Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics

Basic Calculus

Introductory Statistics

Course Objectives

Understand the different market structures and their implications for firm behaviour and market outcomes.

Analyse the strategic interactions of firms in different industrial settings.

Evaluate the role of government policy and regulation in industrial markets.

Develop analytical skills to assess industry case studies.


"Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications" by Oz Shy

Course Outline

Week 1-2: Introduction to Industrial Economics

Overview of industrial economics

History and scope

Basic concepts and tools

Week 3-4: Market Structures

Perfect competition

Monopoly and monopsony

Oligopoly and monopolistic competition

Game theory basics

Week 5-6: Firm Behavior

Pricing strategies

Product differentiation and innovation

Advertising and marketing strategies

Vertical and horizontal integration

Week 7-8: Market Dynamics and Entry Barriers

Entry and exit in markets

Sunk costs and entry deterrence

Network effects and standards

Dynamic competition and strategic trade policy

Week 9-10: Regulation and Antitrust Policies

The rationale for government intervention

Antitrust laws and policies

Regulation of natural monopolies

Case studies in antitrust and regulation

Week 11-12: Strategic Behavior and Competition Policy

Cartels and collusion

Predatory pricing and other exclusionary practices

Mergers and acquisitions

International aspects of competition policy

Week 13-14: Empirical Methods in Industrial Economics

Econometric tools for industrial economics

Case study approach

Interpretation of empirical results

Week 15: Course Review and Final Examination


Midterm Exam: 30%

Final Exam: 40%

Research Paper/Project: 20%

Class Participation and Assignments: 10%

Additional Resources

Journal articles and case studies

Industry reports and market analyses

Guest lectures from industry experts